So Obsessed Saturday: Green Tea

I have been planning on this one for quite sometime. I’m sure every health and fitness person has said green tea is the key to all things and can cure all things, or at least something along those lines. Well the truth is, green tea is so so so good for you! I have  began drinking it a ton this year (not much of a coffee or tea drinker usually, unless it iscup of green tea with mint pounded with sugar and honey…until now). So much so that it is really part of my morning routine, and I actually look forward to it. I love having it with me on my walks to class and tea bags last for a few servings so it’s perfect for me because I am usually on the run and it allows me to just reuse the same bag and just add more hot water!

There are a ton of great benefits and going to school in the tundra makes it an extra plus because it can make you feel all warm. And if you remember my previous So Obsessed Saturday about Kayla Itsines, she is huge advocate of green tea. It is recommended that you have 2 to 3 cups a day. Here are some fun facts about green tea, some area quite surprising!

1. UV protection: Not only has green tea and its antioxidant catechin been proven to help with skin in terms of wrinkles, but it is also great for an internal protection to UV rays!

2. Diabetes: It has been proven to help regulate glucose levels which can help keep blood sugar low after eating.

3.Cholestorol regulation:. the ECHG antioxidant in green tea is great to help limit the absorption of cholesterol ingot he large intestine.

4. Teeth: One of the many antioxidants found in green tea called catechin plays a huge role in helping to kill bacteria that cause throat infections and other dental conditions. So its great for your sparkly whites!

5. Cancer: Some studies also suggest that it can help lower the risk of certain cancers in those who drink it on a semi-regular basis.

6. Brain: Green tea is great for short term brain function. However it has also been shown that it can help reduce the risk of Alzheimers and Parkinson’s from developing in old age.

Simply swapping green tea in the place of other sugary drink can help you lost weight and stay more hydrated.

It is also important to know that green tea isn’t the only tea great for you so feel free to explore options! Sometimes I also like to drink chai tea or seasonal tea. See where the bliss of tea takes you!

What do you think of green tea or even just tea in general?!

19 thoughts on “So Obsessed Saturday: Green Tea

  1. Pingback: Tea Time Tuesday | Princess Without The Tutu

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