TV Marathon Workout

As I am home for a week and have a break from the stresses of school and have the freedom to walk around without shoes on, I find myself watching a ridiculous amount of television. Everyone has their way to unwind and this is mine! So I found the perfect mix, on buzz feed of all places, that amides watching TV and some form of working out! Just about any show you can be interested in is on this list and I just wanted to share it with you! And feel free to make your own type of workout for a different show that you love to binge watch!

Enjoy and let me know your favorite show and workout combination on the list!

4 thoughts on “TV Marathon Workout

  1. I totally binge watched Grey’s Anatomy while walking/jogging on the treadmill. Sadly I watched all ten seasons…happy part is I lost 8 pounds! Hahahahaha…..Looking for another series! Any suggestions? Best, Koko❀


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